
The optimal synthesis of environmental factors

Learn about our estate

Our estate, Santa Elena, is located on the slopes of the emblematic Piedra de Lino Mountain, inside the valley of Boquete in the Chiriqui province of Panama. This land has been dedicated to coffee for almost 100 years, has 20% primary rainforest, an altitude of 1,200 to 1,550 masl, and a year-round temperature of .

The ecological conditions in the region and more precisely in our estate are ideal for the development of high quality coffee. The subtle coalescence of a variety of factors that are happening in this land make up our terroir. An abundant rainfall, adequate shade-light ratio, decent altitude, fresh climate, rich volcanic soil, Pacific-Atlantic wind convergence, and natural microorganisms all combine in different patterns to form various microclimates in this favorable atmosphere for the growth of nuanced and balanced coffee.

With dense vegetation and wildlife biodiversity, we strive to preserve all of our local ecosystem in its pure and natural conditions through sustainable practices.
